Situation de l’EPS à l’international

The Physical education in France does not comply with the UNESCO Charter

The latest PE programs published on the 26th November 2015 are void of content, without any requirement acquisition in the cultural fields of physical, artistic and sports activities.

Learning to perform a handstand to get free, to run faster on a hurdles course, to swim, to serve in badminton, to achieve a hunted French savate or to dance together, to referee a boxing bout, to ensure their comrade climbing or to score a basket have become secondary in the French PE for the French. This lack of ambition in the targeted knowledge leaves the door open to any fantasies or possible territorial inequalities. Isn’t the transmission of common knowledge and skills the cement of our society ?

At the same time, on the 18th November, France has ratified a new charter of physical education and sport together with 121 countries. One can only note a large discrepancy between the commitments that France has taken in this charter and PE programs that have just been published.

Here are a few examples of very significant items: the first article of the Charter reaffirms that « The practice of physical education, physical activity and sport is a fundamental right for all”. The Article 3 of the charter should challenge our Minister for Education who wants to create excitement around the Olympic game in Paris in 2024. “States and cities considering hosting major sport events should integrate this option in their long-term strategy for physical education, physical activity and sport, in order to sustain and strengthen participation in physical activity, and help improve social cohesion. “ For now, our minister simply talks about sports from school to university.

A red carton for the Department for education

The snep has decided to give the department for Education a red carton. In every region and department of France, the SNEP has organized meetings to present the reform and has decided, with the PE teachers, to give a red carton.

The SNEP is campaigning for the defense of PE. The SNEP ask the French ministry should revise its PE programs for the youth. This is the meaning of the campaign SNEP-FSU is leading. For us, the country must continue to work towards the development of PE and sport as a fundamental human right.


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